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Mechatronics Robot

In the winter of 2014, I took the ME 210 Introduction to Mechatronics class at Stanford. The class was a great introduction to many interesting topics. ME 210 had a main project, where we worked in groups to design, construct, and program a robot that perform specific tasks in a final competition at the end of the quarter.


To be able to participate in the final competition, the robot had to be able to recognize different beacon signals at different stations that would dispense poker chips denoted as "bitcoin" chips in the competition, then move to one of the three stations and push a button to receive chips. Finally, the robot had to move to a final station and deposit the chips. The robots from different teams competed to deposit the most chips in a set time at different rounds.  My team was composed by Janna Rodriguez, Amara Onyiah, Blake Reece and myself. During the project course we switched leadership roles on the sections of programming, mechanical and circuit design. We worked well together, capitalizing in each other's strengths and our robot "The Pink Ladies Team Robot" made it to the semifinals. 


The images below show schematics for our strategies and the circuit boards we developed for the competition. For more information about the project please visit my team's website.

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